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Employment Opportunities with Drexel R-IV

February 11, 2025

Secondary Math Teacher:

The Drexel R-IV School District is seeking applicants for a Secondary Math Instructor for the 2025-2026 school year. Classes include geometry, algebra I, algebra II, trigonometry, and personal finance. The successful candidate will have a minimum of a bachelor's degree in secondary mathematics. The Drexel R-IV School District serves approximately 280 students in grades K-12. Contract length is 9 months. Candidates may apply by completing our online Certified Job Application and email along with your cover letter, current resume including references, a copy of college transcripts, and a copy of all certifications. All inquiries should be directed to: Gary French, Superintendent at (816)652-0401 or gary.french@drexelbobcats.net.

Elementary Classroom Teacher:

The Drexel R-IV School District is seeking interested individuals to fill an elementary classroom instructor position for the 2025-26 school year. Qualifications include: a bachelor's degree, successful background screening, and appropriate certification preferred. Benefits include: Board-paid health insurance and paid leave. Salary is dependent upon years of experience and level of education. Candidates may apply on-line by competing our Certified Job Application and email along with your cover letter, current resume including references, a copy of college transcripts, and a copy of all certifications to gary.french@drexelbobcats.net. All inquiries should be directed to: Gary French, Superintendent at (816)652-0401 or gary.french@drexelbobcats.net

Middle School ELA Teacher:

The Drexel R-IV School District is seeking applicants for a Middle School ELA Instructor for the 2025-2026 school year. The successful candidate will have a valid Missouri teaching certificate for the position assigned. The Drexel R-IV School District serves approximately 280 students in grades K-12. Contract length is 9 months. Candidates may apply by completing our Certified Job Application and email along with cover letter, current resume including references, a copy of college transcripts, and a copy of all certifications to gary.french@drexelbobcats.net.  All inquiries should be directed to: Gary French, Superintendent at (816)652-0401 

Extra-Duty Vacancy Notice:

The Drexel R-IV School District has the following extra-duty/coaching positions available; Head High School Volleyball and Assistant High School Volleyball. Interested individuals should complete our Certified Job Application  and email along with cover letter, current resume including references, a copy of college transcripts, and a copy of all certifications to gary.french@drexelbobcats.net.  All inquiries should be directed to: Gary French, Superintendent at (816)652-0401     


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